Curb Magazine

Curb Magazine is a student-run magazine that is a part of the Journalism 417 Magazine Publishing class. In the fall 2023 semester, a group of 25 students created an issue idea (Fusion), magazine stories, and pages from scratch, as well as raised $10,000 to publish and print the magazine. After applying to get into the class, we applied to roles in which I was assigned a Design Associate. In this role, I have… 

  • Created a style guide for the magazine (choosing colors that coincide with the issue, fonts, and other design parameters)

  • Designed over 16 of the 64 pages on InDesign to make sure each story was able to be told and the aesthetics on the page matched

  • Wrote a 2-page story about a Dane County collective that embodied what Fusion meant

  • Created illustrations based on the author’s requests

  • Helped the Art Director and Marketing Director create merch that would be sold to the Journalism School

  • Produced 4+ social media ideas and posts for my story